When it comes to attaining a degree in higher education, there are no excuses because there are so many ways to attain all the necessary funds to pay for that education. Students who don’t pursue higher education will miss out on an opportunity to change their potential to maximize earning power. Whether in the classroom or online, potential students have so many options when it comes to attaining a degree. With many working adults returning back to school, institutions are starting to offer a variety of course schedules that will correlate with any work schedule.
With the rising popularity of online schools, many major institutions are starting to offer online courses to suit students that may not be able to sit in a classroom every day. Of course, these classes are not freebies, and students are to give online classes the same attention as they would if they were sitting in a classroom. Higher education is very important and students should view it as an opportunity to have a better life. And with there being so many options to attain funds for pay for education, everyone has the same opportunity to get a degree at a college or university.
If you’re deciding on a school to attend, you should make sure the school is a reputable and recognized institution. This is very important because you want to guarantee you will be able to get a job once you have finished all your degree requirements. There are a lot of online universities out there that are not certified, which they will not be accepted by employers. When applying to school, students need to make sure that their college or university is accredited by some type of accrediting council. Once you start school, it can be a little overwhelming the first semester or quarter, but you will become adjusted. You should realize pursuing a higher education is a chance to change your life around for the better.
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New Jersey has a long history of higher education. The Garden State was the only one of the thirteen original American colonies to have two colleges before the Declaration of Independence was signed. The College of New Jersey, now called Princeton University, was established in 1746 while Queens College, now called Rutgers University, was founded 20 years later.
Today New Jersey is home to 31 four-year colleges and universities as well as to 19 county colleges offering two-year degrees. New Jersey’s range of higher education options is very diverse and includes public and private schools, all women’s options, Catholic institutions and outstanding professional schools.
New Jersey Colleges and Universities
Princeton University, an Ivy League school, is one of the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in the country. It’s equally strong in science and liberal arts, and is particularly outstanding in the field of economics. Among the many illustrious faculty members and staff associated with Princeton University are Nobel Prize laureates Albert Einstein, Osamu Shimomura, Toni Morrison, Daniel Kahneman and Paul Krugman.
Rutgers University is a state university and the largest of New Jersey’s institutions of higher learning with three geographically separate campuses. The university consists of 29 schools and colleges with a 175 separate academic departments. Rutgers University has one of the highest percentages of female faculty in the nation.
Other well-known New Jersey colleges and universities include:
• New Jersey Institute of Technology: One of the nation’s outstanding science and engineering institutions
• The College of New Jersey: One of the top liberal arts colleges in the country
• Georgian Court: A private Catholic women’s university
• Seton Hall: A private coed Catholic university
• Drew University: A small university with a liberal arts emphasis
• Richard Stockton College of New Jersey: One of the most highly ranked schools in the Northeast for master’s degrees
Governor Christie’s Public Education Proposal
New Jersey’s Governor Chris Christie recently introduced a proposal to overhaul New Jersey’s state public university system to make it more competitive. The centerpiece of the plan would be the merger of Rutgers University’s Camden Campus with Rowan University. According to a poll conducted by Rutgers University\’s Eagleton Institute of Politics, 57 percent of New Jersey residents are against the governor’s plan.
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